Holistic Cancer Therapy, Personalized For You
Your Beacon of Hope and Healing
In the quest for a reliable and compassionate alternative cancer treatment program in Mexico, the Donato Perez Garcia, MD Clinic stands as a beacon of hope and innovation. I understand that my patients undertake meticulous research before entrusting me with their
Holistic Cancer Therapy, Personalized For You
Your Beacon of Hope and Healing
In the quest for a reliable and compassionate alternative cancer treatment program in Mexico, the Donato Perez Garcia, MD Clinic stands as a beacon of hope and innovation. I understand that my patients undertake meticulous research before entrusting me with their care. I am steadfast in my belief that my Clinic offers the finest program in Tijuana, a conviction rooted in the depth of my expertise and the unwavering dedication of our compassionate staff. Here’s why choosing me means choosing a brighter, healthier future:
A Sanctuary when all else fails
My Clinic has been a sanctuary for those who have been told they have exhausted all options. Over the more than 40 years, I have honed the most avant-garde natural cancer therapies globally, specializing in stage IV cancers. My approach leverages the immune system to combat cancer, shielding my patients from the perilous side effects of conventional treatments. I am not just a practitioner; I’m the pioneer, continually forging paths in uncharted territories to bring hope to the hopeless.
A hub of Excellence
I house a plethora of integrative cancer treatment equipment, much of which is either tailor-made for me or innovated in-house to meet my patients’ unique needs.
I also have a multidisciplinary team, with experience spanning diverse fields such as oncology, nephrology and cardiology, who collaborate to design technologies that promote holistic healing.
A conglomerate of world-class doctors, including international consultants such as: Dr.T. Lodi (USA), Dr.S.Devlin (USA), Dr.M.VonRosen (Germany), R.A.Stealey, RN (USA), L.C.Lok (Malaysia) with extensive experience in alternative therapies.
I have a board-certified oncologist as part of my team. The doctors are luminaries in their respective fields, many of whom have been instrumental in reshaping the landscape of cancer treatment over the years. My physicians boast illustrious educational backgrounds, having honed their skills at globally renowned institutions.
Affordable yet uncompromised Quality
My commitment to affordability without compromising quality sets me apart. My strategic location in Tijuana allows me to maintain significantly lower overhead costs, making me the most cost-effective alternative cancer treatment program in Mexico.
A Pledge to Do No Harm
My ethos is grounded in the principle of ‘do no harm’. I am steadfast in my commitment to:
Enhancing quality of life
Delivering personalized car. Only hands on physician at your bedside
Utilizing advanced techniques and technology
Fostering compassion
Centered Around You
At the heart of my Clinic is a singular focus: you. My team, comprising dedicated physicians, specialists, and staff, work tirelessly to ensure that your needs and preferences are met with utmost priority. I believe that the journey to healing begins with comfort, and I spare no effort in making that a reality for every patient who walks through my Clinic doors.
Choose Donato Perez Garcia, MD., Clinic, where your journey to healing is nurtured with compassion, innovation, and personalized care.
Dr.Donato Perez Garcia
BLOG (Espanol)
#iptld #LegacyIPT #integrativemedicine #naturalmedicine #functionalmedicine #alternativecancercare #cancersurvivor #cancer #breastcancer #cancersupport #lowdosechemotheraphy #regenerativemedicine #metronomiclowdosechemotheraphy #health #cancerresearch #cancertreatment #cancercare #integrativeoncology #beatcancer #cancersurvivors #chronicdegenerativediseases
Terapia Integral contra el cáncer, personalizada para usted
Su faro de esperanza y sanación
en la búsqueda de un programa alternativo de tratamiento del cáncer confiable y compasivo en México, la Clínica Dr. Donato Pérez García, se erige como un faro de esperanza e innovación. Entiendo que mis pacientes realizan una investigación meticulos
Terapia Integral contra el cáncer, personalizada para usted
Su faro de esperanza y sanación
en la búsqueda de un programa alternativo de tratamiento del cáncer confiable y compasivo en México, la Clínica Dr. Donato Pérez García, se erige como un faro de esperanza e innovación. Entiendo que mis pacientes realizan una investigación meticulosa antes de confiarme su atención. Estoy firme en mi creencia de que mi Clínica ofrece el mejor programa en Tijuana, una convicción arraigada en la profundidad de mi experiencia y la dedicación inquebrantable de nuestro compasivo personal. He aquí por qué elegirme significa elegir un futuro más brillante y saludable:
Un santuario cuando todo lo demás falla
Mi Clínica ha sido un santuario para aquellos a quienes les han dicho que han agotado todas las opciones. A lo largo de más de 40 años, he perfeccionado las terapias naturales contra el cáncer más vanguardistas a nivel mundial, especializándome en cánceres en estadio IV. Mi enfoque aprovecha el sistema inmunológico para combatir el cáncer, protegiendo a mis pacientes de los peligrosos efectos secundarios de los tratamientos convencionales. No soy sólo un practicante; Soy el pionero que continuamente forja caminos en territorios inexplorados para llevar esperanza a los desesperados.
Un centro de excelencia
Cuento con una gran cantidad de equipos para el tratamiento integral del cáncer, muchos de los cuales están hechos a medida para mí o son innovadores internamente para satisfacer las necesidades únicas de mis pacientes. También cuento con un equipo multidisciplinario, con experiencia que abarca diversos campos como oncología, nefrología y cardiología, colaboran para diseñar tecnologías que fomenten la curación holística.
Un conglomerado de médicos, de clase mundial, incluyendo consultores internacionales como: Dr.T. Lodi (USA), Dr.S.Devlin (USA), Dr.M.VonRosen (Germany), R.A.Stealey, RN (USA), L.C.Lok (Malaysia) con gran experiencia en terapias alternativas.
Tengo un oncólogo certificado como parte de mi equipo. Los médicos son luminarias en sus respectivos campos, muchos de los cuales han contribuido decisivamente a remodelar el panorama del tratamiento del cáncer a lo largo de los años. Mis médicos cuentan con una formación educativa ilustre y han perfeccionado sus habilidades en instituciones de renombre mundial.
Calidad asequible pero sin concesiones
Mi compromiso con la asequibilidad sin comprometer la calidad me distingue. Mi ubicación estratégica en Tijuana me permite mantener costos generales significativamente más bajos, lo que me convierte en el programa alternativo de tratamiento del cáncer más rentable en México.
Un compromiso de no hacer daño
Mi espíritu se basa en el principio de "no hacer daño". Soy firme en mi compromiso de:
Mejorando la calidad de vida
Entregando coche personalizado. Sólo un médico atento a su cabecera
Utilizando técnicas y tecnología avanzadas.
Fomentando la compasión
Centrado en ti
En el corazón de mi Clínica hay un enfoque singular: usted. Mi equipo, compuesto por médicos, especialistas y personal dedicados, trabaja incansablemente para garantizar que sus necesidades y preferencias se satisfagan con la máxima prioridad. Creo que el viaje hacia la curación comienza con la comodidad y no escatimo esfuerzos para que eso sea una realidad para cada paciente que cruza las puertas de mi clínica.
Elija la Clínica Donato Pérez García, MD., donde su viaje hacia la curación se nutre de compasión, innovación y atención personalizada.
Dr.Donato Perez Garcia
BLOG (Espanol)
#iptld #LegacyIPT #integrativemedicine #naturalmedicine #functionalmedicine #alternativecancercare #cancersurvivor #cancer #breastcancer #cancersupport #lowdosechemotheraphy #regenerativemedicine #metronomiclowdosechemotheraphy #health #cancerresearch #cancertreatment #cancercare #integrativeoncology #beatcancer #cancersurvivors #chronicdegenerativediseases
It all starts with insulin; a hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and excess glucose from the blood. But it has many more functions on a cellular level.
With a single shot, IPTLD® uses insulin to modify cancer cells molecular biology. It targets the cancerous cell. The cell wakes up with a tre
It all starts with insulin; a hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and excess glucose from the blood. But it has many more functions on a cellular level.
With a single shot, IPTLD® uses insulin to modify cancer cells molecular biology. It targets the cancerous cell. The cell wakes up with a tremendous appetite. Insulin opens up the cancerous cell membrane, making it vulnerable and receptacle to any substance it encounters. One by one, they all start searching for food. During that precise moment, we inject all Chemo Drugs. Since the dosage is 70% less than regular chemo sessions, the non affected cells are left intact, avoiding side effects. And because it changes the biochemical compounds of the cell, it also serves as detoxification.
Cancer cells take in the chemotherapy drugs much more easily with insulin; it potentiates medication, transporting it more effectively into the cells.
Insulin Potentiation Therapy Low Dose changes the bio-physico-chemical constants and parameters of the blood, attacking first the cancerous cell through its intra-extra cellular environment, causing permeability in the cell's membrane.
In other words, insulin makes the cancer cells hungry for food (sugar) and in this state gobbles up everything you put into it, even chemo drugs, causing its death.
One by one, cancer cells diminish in the affected tissue. Until they all die. Healthy cells remain intact. Allowing white cells to clean the entire system. Promoting and strengthening your immune system, protecting you from any carcinogenic agent. Because people respond differently to similar chemo drugs and other prescription drugs including insulin, very few have allergic reactions such as fast heartbeat, low blood pressure, itching, or rash; reactions that do not endanger life and can be safely reversed with the appropriate medication.
IMPORTANT NOTE: IPTLD® is a proven safe procedure, WHEN ADMINISTERED BY A TRAINED AND CERTIFIED IPT PHYSICIAN, no deaths during treatment have ever been reported. For your security, Check the List of Certified IPT Physicians, approved and endorsed by
Donato Perez Garcia, MD
A chronic degenerative disease occurs when the function or structure of the affected tissues or organs will progressively deteriorate over time, whether due to normal bodily wear or lifestyle choices such as exercise or eating habits.
IPT® can stop the damage and for some diseases provide good quality of life and prolong periods without sy
A chronic degenerative disease occurs when the function or structure of the affected tissues or organs will progressively deteriorate over time, whether due to normal bodily wear or lifestyle choices such as exercise or eating habits.
IPT® can stop the damage and for some diseases provide good quality of life and prolong periods without symptoms.
Therapies and Procedures offered by Donato Perez Garcia, MD
Selected based on an individual basis. Some require evaluation of a Specialist and cost will be given by the Doctor performing the therapy/procedure
IV Administration Immunotherapy/immunotherapies
IV AdministrationCocarboxilasa protocol
IV Administration Phosphatydycholine
IV Administration Liver support
IV Administration liver support/sylymarin
IV Administration Detoxification
IV Administration High dose Vitamin C and botanicals (curcumin, Quercetin, mistle toe, resveratrol, artesunate, etc)
IV Administration Vitamin C/minerals/bcomplex etc
IV Administration mineral complex and antioxidants
IV Administration Homeophathics (heel) / homotoxicology formulas
IV Administration Lymphatic support/drainage
IV Administration Amino Acids
IV Administration Albumina
IV Administration pharmaceuticals
IV Administration Fluids
IV Administration Anti-fungal
IV Administration Anti-parasitic
IV Administration Anti-viral
IV Administration IPTLD low dose chemotherapy / IPT CDD
Whole Body Hyperthermia (some patients , previous evaluation)
Ozone therapy
Dendritic cell therapy program
Natural killer cells immunotherapy /Next Generation vaccine therapy
Blood work
Chemosenstivity profile testing
CT Scan
PET Scan
Imaging studies/scans
Surgical procedure/catheter placement
Cryoablation (breast, liver, other organ lesions)
Welcome to the Written Testimonials of the Insulin Potentiation Therapy patients.Dr. Donato´s
philosophy is to treat every patient with complete honesty and respect, as his forth fathers have taught him.
I was diagnosed November 14, 2002 with breast cancer. It was a slow growing, 6mm malignant tumor. It was never given a “stage
Welcome to the Written Testimonials of the Insulin Potentiation Therapy patients.Dr. Donato´s
philosophy is to treat every patient with complete honesty and respect, as his forth fathers have taught him.
I was diagnosed November 14, 2002 with breast cancer. It was a slow growing, 6mm malignant tumor. It was never given a “stage”, nor was it tested to determine whether it was estrogen positive. I was told I could only find that out if I’d had surgery. We must assume it is estrogen positive, to be on the safe side.
I began treatments January 8, 2003, weekly for about 4 months, then bi-weekly, then monthly and currently every 4 months. My progress was very fast in the beginning. After 4 treatments the ultrasound revealed it shrunk to 3.9 mm. It slowly progressed (shrunk) over the course of the next 2 years. My prognosis now is very good. It was established in July of 2004 that, although there could me microscopic cancer cells still present, essentially the tumor was nothing but a shell. My mammogram in November 2004 revealed a “mass” measuring 6mm – in other words, “nothing had changed in 2 years”. That’s not exactly accurate, as the surrounding breast tissue is normal, there is only peripheral blood supply, and it could no longer be felt by palpation. It has been determined that the “mass” is nothing more than scar tissue, debris, and white cells.
My life did not change at all while undergoing treatments. I had absolutely NO side effects, continued working and home schooling, and lived life! I have NEVER felt sick or run-down. I actually felt as healthy, if not more, while undergoing treatments. I do take Juice Plus and other supplements such as spirulina and vitamins, but that’s just common sense, and did have acupuncture, chiropractic, and lymph drainage early on in my treatments. I never had surgery or any conventional therapies.
IPT and Dr. Donato are blessings and it’s the only therapy I recommend – and I’ve recommended it to at least 10 people in the last 2 years. Cancer is an epidemic, and thank God there is a viable alternative to conventional chemo!
I hope this helps and hope to see you soon!
Connie Tamez (October 2009)
Trabuco Canyon, CA
Fecha: 11/04/2002 08:50:13 a.m. Hora de verano del Pacíf
From: Donna
Dear Dr. Donato,
Thank you so much for taking time to respond to my concerns. In reading
your e-mail, I breathe freer. My heart feels comfort. I am happy you
receive a little bit more for the treatments. You of all people deserve
this. And still it is not unreasonable. I remain so grateful in my heart
to you and IPT. I know without a doubt that I would not be alive today if
not for your genuine kindness. The difference between you and American
doctors is that you have the spirit of a true Healer and the doctors here
are just doctors. That is a very big difference, one which I personally
understand and deeply appreciate.
You remain the first doctor that I feel completely comfortable with in my
entire life. I respect you and recognize the mountain of challenges you face
in working with the American doctors and spreading IPT.
My book will talk about you. I shall not list the doctors in America though
I know people will find their way to them. I want them to know about you
and your family and the wonderful gift that you have brought to me and
anyone else who wishes to receive this most precious gift.
I have personally experienced the passing of over 51 people from my family,
friends, and associates in the last 5 years, the majority died of cancer.
I am alive and flourishing. I still grow stronger each day.
My first gratitude is to God that he has allowed me more time on this
precious earth. My second gratitude is to God that he revealed IPT to your
Grandfather. My third gratitude is to your Grandfather for having the
courage to follow what he felt to be true. My fourth gratitude is to to
your Grandmother for mothering your father that he might continue his
father’s work. My fifth gratitude is to your mother for her efforts in
bringing you onto the earth. And my greatest gratitude it to you Dr. Donato
for continuing this work, for having faith in what you know to be true, for
your sincerity, for your healing spirit, for your kindness, and for the
healing of my body which you participated in so wonderfully.
Thank you Dr. Donato for taking time to send me this email. I feel much
better. I still think the American Doctors are thieves and that is just the
way it is. I shall also forgive them for their greed and egotism.
I am so glad you are my doctor!
Thank you Dr. Donato.
Donna McDermott
Additional comments by Brian McDermott, Donna’s husband.
To Those Thinking of Becoming Patients of Dr Donato:
My name is Brian McDermott. I am the husband of Donna McDermott whose information you may have read on the website.
The reason I am writing this letter is that while Donna was being treated I would sit in the waiting room and I had the opportunity to speak to many new patients and their spouses and family members. They would ask me so many questions looking for simple information and reassurance. I am hoping that this letter will serve something of that purpose. Here are some of the questions and my answers.
Q: How do you feel about Dr. Donato? A: Aside from my brother who was trained as an orthopedic surgeon, I have only met one other medical professional as caring as Pat –and that is Dr. Donato. Both my wife and I felt that he had that special gift that made you you feel better just being around him. He never took cases where he felt IPT would not be of benefit. When he accepted Donna as a patient he was always honest and optimistic. And he knew how to listen. When she said she was weak, or strong , he adjusted the treatment accordingly. If she was frightened he explained what was happening and reassured her. If something came up that required additional research, he made the extra effort. I think he is a wonderful doctor.
Q: Does insurance cover the costs of the treatment? A: Some policies may, in our case we had to pay for the treatments out of pocket. However, our policy did cover a good deal of the testing.
Q: Wasn’t that expensive? A: From one perspective, it was. I am not well off by any means. However from another perspective, it wasn’t. It is a small price to pay for being alive. And for having quality of life. Another thing that was of financial help were the connections and resources that Dr.
Donato provided which involved tremendous savings. He was able to order X-rays, ultrasounds, CAT scans and bloodwork at 15% of what we would pay in the United States. Donna required procedures that in the USA were done painfully fast by doctor’s assistants in a loud uncomfortable environments at tremendous expense. Dr. Donato knew of an associate in his building, Dr. Paz was his name, who was amazing careful, skilful and qualified and who worked in a private hospital setting who would do the same procedure at 10% of the cost. Pharmacy prescriptions are also greatly reduced in price.
Q: But aren’t you concerned about treatments in Mexico in general. A: I certainly had this bias when I first crossed the border. When I arrived at the Twin Towers complex, I felt much better. After working with Dr. Donato and his associate, Dr. Duenas, and his office staff and colleagues, I no longer have any such reservations. However, by observing Dr Donato and his associates at work, I now have a great number of concerns about the medical establishment in the United States.
Q: Will Dr. Donato work with other medical professionals? A: Donna worked with a nutritionist, a naturopath, and some MD friends. If Dr. Donato thought their suggestions would support her recovery he was more than willing to go along. I have never found him to be arrogant. I have never sensed that he wanted the exclusive credit for a cure. He just wanted what was best for his patient.
Q: If the situation was reversed and you were the one who was sick, would you go to Dr. Donato for treatment? A: Yes I would
Q: Even if there was a doctor closer to your home who offered IPT? A: Donna and I drove 400 miles from Phoenix, Arizona, to do the treatments. I feel he knows IPT better than anyone else.
Q: Anything else to add? A: Just a huge thank you to Dr. Donato, Dr. Duenas, and the staff.
Brian McDermott
Dear Dr. Garcia,
Thank you for your dedication to our health. I feel such hope. How can
I ever thank you enough?
Thank you for being available for questions.
1. Is diarrhea normal the second day after treatment or was that more
likely due to travel? I get tense when I travel away from my own
2. Is there any advantage to taking more treatments each week? I have
never been known for patience. I want to be well right now. If I take
two or three treatments per week will I blast the cancer faster or will
it be too much for my healthy cells? My company is anxious for me to be
well and back handling my job properly.
3. Would it be good to tell my oncologist at the Huntsman Center about
you? Would he be likely to want to meet you and learn from you or would
he try to cause you trouble? He seems to care about me. I told him a
little about the treatment but that I got the information from the
Internet. He said it was my money if I wanted to waste it. The
lymphatic tumor is at least half the size it was and now feels fuzzy
around the edges instead of being a solid ball. There is no way he will
not notice the improvement. What do you want me to tell him?
4. There is another clinic I work with that uses essential oils. I want
to tell them about you. I think they may want to add your treatment to
their program. They are a research clinic. They are larger than
Marietta’s clinic. They have two full time doctors, a nutritionist,
massage therapists, psychologists etc. I can’t wait to tell the world
but am also aware of how closed minded . . . no, money minded the MA
is. I know I must be careful. Thank you again for your concern for our health. Thank you for being
reasonable with your pricing. Thank you for caring about God. It
breaks my heart that here a doctor cannot say what you said to me about
God healing without danger of a lawsuit. The only religion allowed
anymore is atheism. With all the bounties we as US citizens have we
have to get too selfish to thank God. Bless you for recognizing His
Thank you, thank you with all my heart!
Elna “Miracle” Bjorge
My Story. Thank You Dr. Donato!
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 17:29:38 -0800
Dear Dr. Donato,
In the midst of all the busy-ness yesterday and my long list of questions, I neglected to say “Thank You” to you for all your help with so many things.
For instance, Thank You for ordering some extra vitamin C and for administering it to me!
Thank you for explaining the labs. Thank you for doing what you can to keep the prices reasonably affordable for me, and fair to yourself as well. I guess maybe it is a bit of a struggle for you, as for me, and that we are both trying says a lot about the relationship.
I was talking with Jeanie today. Jeanie is the person who strongly recommended you to me at a time when I had no intention of returning to Mexico.
Anyway, Jeanie is always very clear about where she stands. She indicated that a lot of the cancer patients in her macrobiotic group (that she and Debbie belonged to) are fanatical about avoiding prescription medicines. However, Micho Kushi, his wife and daughter, all have cancer despite promoting macrobiotics for cancer. The wife and daughter died, and if he is still alive (which I am unsure) he nonetheless had surgery.
Anyway, Jeanie has always been very firm of what a wonderful and good doctor you are. And I said to her, that there are so many things that I appreciate about you, but most of all, I appreciate that you are willing to “co-partner” with me.
As you know, I have not been good about taking everything you prescribed for me. However, I have been busy working on my stressful relationship with D and with my Hawaii home situation. Both are better now, and I can now focus more on my protocol. This is because you allowed me both the room and the support to take care of what was most important to me, even if it contradicted your recommended protocol.
I can heal according to my priorities, because I have a very understanding, flexible, generous, and resourceful doctor who understands that I have many needs in order to heal. They are not all having to do with following the protocol exactly, although of course that is ideal.
When I met you, I had never trusted a doctor in my life, nor did I ever expect to do so. I am not a trusting person by nature. My standards are very high, and many cannot possibly meet them.
In your own way, especially at the beginning when I most needed your non-medical support, you did things that were more supportive and affirming to me, the suffering individual being who felt without support or a strong voice to state her own needs, than my own family or partner. For instance, you suggested that I go to Palm Springs – no one close to me ever suggested that to me even though it would be a logical suggestion if someone cared about me and knew how cold I got. It took over 40 years for someone caring and objective to make a very logical, practical suggestion. I so much appreciate that.
I tell people that when I first starteds IPT with you, I did not realize that my home with D in Los Angeles was so traumatic and stressful for me. I learned this because when I went to your office, I felt I was in a “safe zone.” So that is how I discovered that home was a “war zone.” Over time, that difference in environments changed. Dan still does outrageous things sometimes, but we get along much better now. All this is due to my being strong enough to stand up for myself, and make some adjustments that caused him to also make adjustments. We are still working on this. But I know that the strength that I got from your support and the safety I felt in your office is what allowed me/us to make some important changes in our relationship.
Anyway, I know you have so many patients with so many needs. I apologize for often keeping you and your staff late to lunch and your other important tasks with my many questions and needs.
But THANK YOU for being my doctor.
I often cry when I think about all the good and caring that you have done for me – even now.
I hope you do understand how much what you have done and what you continue to do means to me…
With love, incomparable regard and immeasurable gratitude,
Your patient,
Nicole Additional comments from Nicole
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2005 18:41:46 -0800
Subject:relatively unknown info re: Drs. Donato Perez Garcia I, II, and III — with deep thanks for giving my life back Thank you for explaining the surname puzzle, Chris Duffield. That’s a pretty interesting explanation. Perhaps if I had been
Dr. DPG2, I would have also wanted to honor Dr. DPG1 in the same
way. In an interview posted at www.IPTQ.com, Dr. Donato explains
how he became an IPT doctor, while indicating reverence for his
father and grandfather http://www.iptq.com/d3int.htm. These must
have been two very special men. I understand you met Dr. DPG2
while he was still alive.
IPT and Dr. Donato PG3 have given my life back. They are keeping me alive (and “lucky” per conventional oncologists) beyond the original estimated time of death. I still have a possibility of complete remission with IPT, despite an “incurable” conventional diagnosis. Therefore, below is a little homage to the 3 Drs DPG (as well as to Chris Duffield and to Dr. Stephen Ayre). For people who are not doing IPT or who are not Dr. Donato’s patients, this may seem irrelevant:
After numerous IPT treatments, I finally noticed that hung on the wall of the little back treatment room of Dr. Donato’s old office was a small framed, yellowed newspaper clipping. The article was in Spanish. As I can read a little Spanish, I believe it stated that the grandfather (?) was a high ranking and elite government/military physician with considerable responsibility. He had treated a President of Mexico and other celebrities such as a famous race car driver, movie star, singer, etc. successfully with IPT. In the interview linked above, Dr. Donato PG III indicates that seeing celebrity patients was a way of life in his father’s home. He also states:
“I kept learning from him… Learning to listen to the patient in front of me… Learning to read patients’ eyes and facial movements… Learning how to administer the clinic… Learning how to deal with workers — nurses, janitors, suppliers, etc… Learning to make my best effort towards helping the person in front of me.”
As I re-read these words that I last read some time ago, I now understand how he came to be the somewhat psychic doctor some of us have attributed him to be. Dr. Donato generally takes such a quiet self-effacing approach, that one easily forgets that all three generations of the Drs DPG are part of a world family legend. In a society that has more pronounced class divisions than we have in the USA, they were/are among the elite. But most importantly and IMHO (judging from what I have personally observed) character, detachment/sensitive concern and integrity are unmatched by that of most humans, including that of yours truly and almost everyone I know. I am not trying to suggest that anyone is perfect or superhuman, just unusual in their behavior, despite having typical human problems just like anyone else.
One might never guess the extent to which the three Drs. Donato Perez Garcia have gone to bring IPT to the world. I cannot claim to know all the details, just a few. Several months after I started IPT and brought an interested researcher to discuss IPT with Dr. Donato, he made a passing comment. He said that after he moved from Mexico City to Tijuana (in the late 1980’s?), he discovered that 6 other “Dr Donato Perez Garcia III” had sprung up in Tijuana to impersonate him! I believe he may have had to file a lawsuit to stop them. Also, I saw an article on the internet that stated the father or grandfather had been censured for doing something that the Mexican authorities did not approve of, similar to the censuring of successful cancer doctors/alternative treatments in the USA.
Not all patients can expect to enjoy the identical feeling/rapport with the same doctor. However, quite a few of Dr Donato’s patients do share a special appreciation for him, as described by patients at www.IPTQ.com. I suppose this appreciation is one reason I bothered to create this discussion group. A very important highlight of my cancer healing journey has been the opportunity to benefit from having a collaborative relationship with a special doctor Dr. Donato Perez Garcia,3. As with quite a few of his other patients, I have found him to be a very special human being besides the most valuable co-partner on my healing team. Despite his busy-ness and numerous patients, he is someone who often understands and upholds my needs better than even I myself or those close to me, and often with humor. This is icing on top of the fact that he is my IPT doctor.
Two other individuals, Dr. Stephen Ayre, who heads the USA IPT doctors’ organization, and Chris Duffield, the mostly volunteer webhost of www.IPTQ.com have often altruistically and generously made time in their busy schedules to respond to patient inquiries, providing them/us with some real hope and compassion.
Thank you – medical angels/heroes – from heart and soul for giving me back a life worth living and a future of of hope - Chris Duffield, Dr. Ayre, and not least,
Drs. Donato Perez Garcia I, II and III.
Nicole S
Fecha: 15/06/2001 9:24:50
Dear Dr. Donato Perez Garcia,
We thank very much for the letter that you sent us. It is possible that you do not remember us because I imagine that you have a lot of patients. My son Juan Carlos Sanchez Cortina was a patient of yours in 1988 when he was 3 years old and was suffering of polio problems when we were with you and your father. My son had already serious polio problems. He had completely lost the use of his right hip and foot. Thanks to you and your father and with the intramuscular medical technique that you applied to my son in 7 treatments, my son remained very well and thanks to your medicine and treatment my son has been playing soccer since first grade. He is now 15 years old and continues playing his favorite sport as already I have previously mentioned.
For my husband and your humble servant, this has been a wonderful miracle as thanks to the grace of God and you, my son has been able to walk again and he is now a healthy and strong adolescent. I do not know what we would have done without your help and whether our son would now be walking. I take the opportunity of this email to ask you if you still have a doctor’s office in the City of Mexico since I see that your present address is Tijuana, B.C., because we would be interested to make an appointment with you or your gentleman father so that you could see my son and give him a check up, because we have noticed that our son is now limping a little. We do not want to be alarmed but we would like you to check him over. Again my family and your humble servant, we thank you infinitely for your help and may God give you all the blessings so that you can continue to help the whole humanity with your treatments.
Warm Greetings from the Sanchez Cortina Family
Months ago, I knew my PSA was high, it was 40. In during a routine blood test the lab noticed that my kidney function was failing. It turned out the cause was cancerous tumors were blocking my ureters. I was rushed into an emergency surgery to place stints in my ureters to restore urine flow. The blood test done as at the time of the surgery revealed my PSA was 227. Further, there was a large 80cc tumor on my prostate and several large tumors on the lymph nodes near on my kidney. The surgeon that place the stints said, it “it’s is a mess”. The prostate volume should be about 30cc. I had stage 4 prostate cancer. Very serious. Because it had spread, (metastasized) the urologist suggested I start an anti-androgen therapy, commonly called chemical castration. He explained there is no cure, I would loose my hair and go through menopause. I was willing to do it if there was no option but… my wife Toni called a friend that knows a lot about medicine. The friend’s name is Gorgon Brown. Gordon said if it was me, I would call Dr Donato Garcia Perez. Dr Donato uses a method called Low Dose Insulin Potentiated Chemo. I will let you read about the method in the below reference web sites. I was treated each Friday for 14 weeks. The result: PSA went down to 0.5, the size of the prostate is now near normal and no traces of other tumors can be seen in ultrasound scans. The PSA of 0.5 means there no cancer activity and the tumors are gone. I will have a treatment I about 5 weeks as a precaution and we will watch closely to make sure the cancer doesn’t come back.
To learn more about Low Dose Insulin Potentiated Chemo go to Dr. Donato’s web site: https://www.iptldmd.com/ The cost for me was reasonable priced and the treatments were a most enjoyable experience. One way is to stay the night before in the Best Western about 2 miles this side of the Mexican border. The motel provides vans that take you to the hospital which is about 2 miles south of the boarder. When you finished with the treatment (about 3 hours), they will pick you up and take you back to the Best Western. Then drive back to LA. I should add that about a month prior to the emergency surgery, Mr. Brown tested me for food allergies using a proprietary method. I eliminated the food I was allergic to during the Dr Donato treatments, losing 40 pounds. I am at 180 now. I mention this as we have reason to suspect that it was a factor in my remarkable treatment success.
During all this, I lost only a perceptible amount of hair and was able to continue my work as an electronic engineer.
Dr. Donato, quite simply, saved my life! I will always be grateful to him, he will always hold a special place in my heart, and I will never be able to repay him.
I was diagnosed with advanced-stage breast cancer on Friday the 13th of July 2001, after a biopsy of a swollen lymph node. Because they found it in my lymphatic system, I was automatically at least stage II, with metastatic breast cancer as my diagnosis. The doctor immediately booked me for a double mastectomy, chemo and radiation, starting the following Tuesday. Because I have a dysfunctional immune syndrome as well as several other immune-related diseases, I knew that I had to be careful about what I did to, and put into, my body. After extensive research that weekend, I came to the conclusion that traditional surgery, chemo and radiation would kill me. I decided to try alternative treatments.
I did research and found IPT. I was so excited when I read about this gentle yet effective therapy: kind to the patient, tough on the cancer. It was also important to me that it had been used successfully against cancer for decades.
The doctors found, during further tests, that I had lesions in my brain and my lungs. When I told my doctors about my decision to do IPT instead of conventional, they predicted that I would be dead within six months. I searched the existing database on GETIPT.com for a doctor near me in Austin, Texas. However, because the website and database were a volunteer effort by one overworked researcher, they were not up-to-date; the doctors listed near me were no longer in practice. Also, because the therapy was still considered “experimental” (even after 70 years in existence and 40 years of use as a successful cancer therapy), my insurance would not pay for any of the treatments. With the overhead of U.S. medical practices, the treatments were more than I could afford.
I decided to call the grandson of the inventor and the most experienced IPT practitioner, Dr. Donato Perez Garcia III, in Tijuana, Mexico. I was used to the lead-time for appointments in the U.S. being several weeks, so he surprised me when he informed me that he could evaluate my case as soon as I could get there. When I asked how long after that I would have to wait for treatment, should he decide to accept me as a patient, he said he could do a treatment the same day as evaluation, if he thought he could help me! The added value was that the overhead is much lower in Mexico, so I could actually imagine affording the treatments. I made my appointment for later that week. I made both airline and hotel reservations, and I gathered my medical records. The email that Dr. Donato had sent me gave me explicit instructions and directions, so I felt fairly comfortable. I had heard stories about the border cities in Mexico, so I was somewhat concerned, but, again, Dr. Donato put me at ease.
When I got to Dr. Donato’s office, I was pleasantly surprised to find an office that looked just like any other doctor’s office. The receptionist spoke fluid English, and I was soon shown into Dr. Donato’s office. He spoke with me for a long time, examined my records, and then said he thought he could help me. He asked if I would like to have my first treatment. Having hoped for that eventuality, I had fasted starting at midnight the night before: I was ready! The treatments are easy and last about 2 hours. I am very comfortable; I usually read a book during the first part of the treatment. Dr. Donato is very available before, during, and after the treatment. He answers all questions and concerns.
The IPT treatments are very gentle. I never lost my hair, and I never got sick. The treatments made the cancer a non-event! I actually considered my treatment trips a mini-vacation! How many times have you heard a cancer patient say that?
I am now totally cancer-free, and all my scans are clear. I will never stop being grateful that I found IPT and Dr. Donato. (September 2009).
Tranquility after eradicating my menstrual dysfunctions.” For eight years she had excessive bleeding during her menstrual period, accompanied by intense colic. Mrs. Josefina Lopez C, now lives a calm life, thanks to the treatment of Dr. Donato Perez Garcia.
Indeed, Mrs. Lopez comments that she used to await her menstrual period with terror because it would bring so much pain. She became desperate and anxious, and took a lot of different medications to alleviate her pains temporarily. She said that, thanks to the treatments of the doctors Perez Garcia, without surgery, all her symptoms have disappeared, allowing her to live a normal life.
In 1951, ” Palillo “, a well-known Mexican comedian, was suffering from a very serious illness. He appealed to Dr.Donato Perez Garcia to help him. Due to the seriousness of the disease, Dr. Perez Garcia immediately gave him a series of treatments, and completely cured the famous comedian. This moved Palillo to put on an act in which he credited Dr.Donato Perez Garcia with creating ” TOO MUCH HEALTH” that he enjoyed, with thanks to the treatment.
In the picture published in the Universal Newspaper the comic Palillo (extreme right) leaves from the Tribunal of Justice of the City of Mexico hugging Dr.Donato Perez Garcia (center, laughing), with Dr.Bolanos Cacho (third from right) on the other side.
“I give thanks to God.”
Mrs. Teresa King, who for more than 10 years suffered from pains in her bones that made it impossible for her to live her daily life, has lived since her treatments without any symptoms of a terrible illness. She decided to try the treatment given by Dr. Donato Perez Garcia, and after several treatments her pains went away and she avoided an operation. She is curious and wonders why people accept the mutilation of any of their organs. Was our body made by a mistake of God?
Dr. Perez Garcia responds that although there are people that live mutilated, God didn’t make our body with extra or useless organs.
“Optimism and security in recovering my health.”
Exhausted, with pain in the feet, malaise in the column, and very nervous. Mr. Humberto Arredondo presented to my Clinic, depressed and irritable because he was alarmed by a prostate cancer and that they wanted to operate on it. On examination, his prostate was indeed inflamed and swollen. After some treatments, there was no need for an operation, and Mr. Arredondo was asymptomatic. Now, several years afterwards, he is still healthy and has a normal life.
“With the medical treatment that the doctors Perez Garcia apply, healing is achieved because the source of the disease is attacked, not the symptom.”
“Saying No to the pain of arthritis.”
Mrs. Esperanza Rodríguez arrived at my Clinic after having suffered multiple disabilities for several years due to her pain. When the first pains of arthritis began, she felt young and could move well. As the years passed, the pains were increasing in intensity and on occasions she had to go to bed because she could no longer move and the pain was very intense. Fortunately she was not addicted to cortisone.
Mrs. Rodríguez decided to undergo my treatment. On the day following her first session, her pain diminished, and after four treatments, she felt completely well. Although she has to return occasionally to receive another treatment, her life has changed, since she can now move without the pain of arthritis.
“I had lung cancer and I was successfully treated.”
Mr. Mariano Guerrero, a young business manager, developed a serious cough that would not go away, and had to be taken immediately to the hospital. They did several studies and when the results came back they diagnosed him with lung cancer (April 14, 1982). When he heard about this, and thinking of his family, Mr. Guerrero decided not to have an operation, since he thought that there must be a medical treatment to heal it. He came to my Clinic, in great distress, with all his laboratory and pathology studies. He decided to undergo my treatment, since the tumor was small and the chances of successful treatment were good. I gave him several treatments in 1982 and 1983. Now in 1995 Mr. Guerrero continues in good health, without cancer.
“In the moment when the doctor told me that I had cancer, more than 25 years ago ( back in 1984), what worried me the most was who would take care of my family. I never thought that it would be myself.”
Mrs. Laura Castañon arrived at my Clinic with seemed to be a small problem. There was pain and hardening in the deep tissue of the breast. The laboratory and pathology tests confirmed it was cancer. She was fortunate. The detection of the tumor was early. Her recovery has been excellent. Thanks to the medical treatment that I gave her, it was not necessary to mutilate her body, and she was successfully treated without damage from the terrible cancer. She was helped by the treatment of Dr. Perez Garcia that avoids surgery. She is one of several patients who have won the battle against this cancer.
“My lung cancer disappeared.”
“In August, 1992, I went to the doctor because I had pain in my back,” Mrs. Teresa Curiel says. “They did a biopsy and I almost died because they perforated my lung. With reluctance and distrust, and only because my sister insisted, I went to see Dr. Donato Perez Garcia in Tijuana. I took my lab studies made in McAllen, Texas that reported a tumor in the left lung lobe, and the pathology report diagnosing adenocarcinoma. I felt that my life was finished and that I would probably not see my family again.” “During the months that I was undergoing the treatment of Dr.Donato, I saw several sick people come, and almost all came out well. I prayed to God that I could be one of those successfully treated patients.
“I had 8 treatments with Dr. Donato and on August 16, 1993, I had a CAT scan of the lung at the South Texas Scan Center. Dr. Farolan, the radiology specialist, reported that the mass had disappeared. I could not believe that I had been successfully treated! The treatment of Dr. Donato had returned my life to me! In February 1994 I had another x-ray that reported the absence of cancerous tumors. At the moment (September 2009) I continue to enjoy life and good health.
Sun, 02 Jan 2005 13:41:39 +0100
Subject:Merci Docteur – Thank you Doctor – Happy New Year 2005
Thank you Doctor,
I am not ill anymore !
2004 was a great year for me, after a depressive phase (end of 2003 and
beginning of 2004). For my chronic hallucinatory psychosis: – I take nearly no neuroleptic (about 3 to 4 pills each month – 100mg Solian each an amount in decline (probably nothing at the end of 2005).
– My real life is slowly beginning after 21 years of a strange solitude (from 21 to 42) with a pathologic fear of women, other people and comminatory life. This was mostly induced by my father violence in my youth and other boy’s strong violence at school (“bullying”), which induced, pasted persecution hallucinations at the end of this
solitude (since 1998 to 2003).
– I am slowly but surely falling in love of life, and woman…Maybe a family next… Other works which are important for me are Dr Freud work, and Dr Adler work, Even dead, they have helped me fantastically.For me, Dr Freud is the best man ever. And Africa is important for me too. Joined, one of my photos: the Masaï family in front of their house. Kimana sanctuary, Kilimanjaro lodge, Kenya. Maybe this year I will find a girl to come with me in holidays. Thank you very much for Ever.
Q & A
Have You Treated My Specific Cancer and What Positive Results Have You Seen?
In most instances the answer is YES. But be aware that cancer is an individual state of a disease affecting your body. I treat patients with different types of cancer affecting different tissues or organs and for each patient I can offer a personalized treatment alternative selecting a combination of therapies that best suit your needs.
Do You Provide a Post-Care Protocol For Patients?
When you head home after your treatments and you’re standing in the middle of your living room, be assured that you will go back with a long term management carte plan for your cancer including oral medications, future visits, blood test and for some particular cases: immunotherapy vaccines.
Will I Have Someone to Talk to? YES
What Early Results Would Indicate that the Treatment is Going Well? How and When Is That Measured?
This Early results can be seen after the 6th days of treatments. Certainly you are expecting a miracle but this disease is not going away in a week. I evaluate your response by measuring: 1) Clinical condition: signs and symptoms that improve. 2)Laboratory testing to monitor specific blood parameters behavior (up or down) and, 3)Imaging monitoring using an Ultrasound, X-Ray, CT Scan or MRI and a PET Scan when indicated. If you do not show a clinical improvement with in the first 7 days under my care: NO need to continue, waste time and money with me. My plan is always to get the best possible outcome in the shortest period of time.
How Will My Treatment be Personalized?
Each patient receives a personalized program with proven protocols of some treatments that will best suit and promote the best possible outcomes.
What is Your Number One Goal in my Treatment?
There’s the easy answer here, but mine is to first reduce the inflammatory process around the tumor. Then go to reduce the tumor chemical activity and the blood supply. By achieving the later the size will start to reduce slowly until it is no longer seen on an X-ray and no chemical activity detected. Some tumors will need a procedure called Crioablation to burn/freeze the remaining of the tissue and thus eliminate all traces of your tumor.
How Often Will I Actually be Seen by a Doctor?
You will be under the personal care of Dr. Donato at all times guaranteed (except when he is out for a Conference or Vacation).
Can I Continue the Therapies at Home on My Own?
For your long term care management you will be instructed how to take your therapies including all meds. My protocols are only intended to be administered under the care of a medical Doctor.
What If It Doesn’t Work?
You the patient and I your doctor will know if this protocol using IPT/IPTLD is working after the 7th day by comparing your initial clinical symptoms, some will improve and if this is the case I will continue treating you. No need to waste money and time with me.
Are There ANY Additional Costs Whatsoever to the Price Quoted?
My fee and costs are for the services detailed in the initial communication about your expenses. No out of nowhere surprises. Extras in most cases are some Imaging tests like a PET Scan and when a test is required you will be notified as well as the cost to pay directly to the provider.
What Kind of Diet Do You Provide For Patients?
I will give you a guideline to follow when at home and when under my care you will have a choice of selecting the specific meal for the particular day. Eating with appetite and eating what you desire of possible helps your body build your immune system.
Is There a Doctor on Call 24/7?
If there is an emergency: Yes and it is me.
Do You Address the Emotional Well-Being of the Patient? If Yes, How?
Emotional support is given by talking with you every morning to find how are you doing. Also I can request the presence of a Psychologist to talk with you and she will set the time and cost of her service directly with you.
Dr. Donato Perez Garcia
Médico Cirujano
Egresado de la Universidad Anáhuac Norte, México
Telefono: +52 (664) 616 4878
#iptld #LegacyIPT #integrativemedicine #naturalmedicine #functionalmedicine #alternativecancercare #cancersurvivor #cancer #breastcancer #cancersupport #lowdosechemotheraphy #metronomiclowdosechemotheraphy #health #cancerresearch #cancertreatment #cancercare #integrativeoncology #beatcancer #cancersurvivors #chronicdegenerativediseases
¿Ha tratado mi cáncer específico y qué resultados positivos ha visto?
En la mayoría de los casos la respuesta es SÍ. Pero tenga en cuenta que el cáncer es un estado individual de una enfermedad que afecta su cuerpo. Trato a pacientes con diferentes tipos de cáncer que afectan a diferentes tejidos u órganos y para cada paciente puedo ofrecer una alternativa de tratamiento personalizada seleccionando la combinación de terapias que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades.
¿Proporciona un protocolo de atención posterior a los pacientes?
Cuando regrese a casa después de sus tratamientos y esté parado en medio de su sala de estar, tenga la seguridad de que regresará con un plan de carta de control a largo plazo para su cáncer que incluye medicamentos orales, visitas futuras, análisis de sangre y para algunos en particular. casos: vacunas de inmunoterapia.
¿Tendré a alguien con quien hablar?
¿Qué resultados preliminares indicarían que el tratamiento va bien? ¿Cómo y cuándo se mide eso?
Estos resultados tempranos se pueden ver después de los 6 días de tratamientos. Seguro que estás esperando un milagro, pero esta enfermedad no va a desaparecer en una semana. Evalúo su respuesta midiendo: 1) Estado clínico: signos y síntomas que mejoran. 2) Pruebas de laboratorio para monitorear el comportamiento de parámetros sanguíneos específicos (hacia arriba o hacia abajo) y, 3) Monitoreo de imágenes usando ultrasonido, rayos X, tomografía computarizada o resonancia magnética y una tomografía por emisión de positrones cuando esté indicado. Si no muestra una mejoría clínica en los primeros 7 días bajo mi cuidado: NO necesita continuar, pierda tiempo y dinero conmigo. Mi plan es siempre obtener el mejor resultado posible en el menor tiempo posible.
¿Cómo se personalizará mi tratamiento?
Cada paciente recibe un programa personalizado con protocolos probados de algunos tratamientos que se adaptarán mejor y promoverán los mejores resultados posibles.
¿Cuál es su objetivo número uno en mi tratamiento?
Aquí está la respuesta fácil, pero la mía es primero reducir el proceso inflamatorio alrededor del tumor. Luego vaya a reducir la actividad química del tumor y el suministro de sangre. Al lograr esto, el tamaño comenzará a reducirse lentamente hasta que ya no se vea en una radiografía y no se detecte actividad química. Algunos tumores necesitarán un procedimiento llamado Crioablación para quemar el resto del tejido y así eliminar todo rastro de su tumor.
¿Con qué frecuencia me verá realmente un médico?
Estará bajo el cuidado personal del Dr. Donato en todo momento garantizado (excepto cuando esté fuera por una Conferencia o Vacaciones).
¿Puedo continuar las terapias en casa por mi cuenta?
Para la gestión de su atención a largo plazo, en su casa se le indicará cómo tomar sus terapias, incluidos todos los medicamentos.
Mis protocolos de administracion endovenosa solo están destinados a ser administrados bajo el cuidado de un médico.
¿Qué pasa si no funciona?
Usted el paciente y yo su médico sabremos si este protocolo usando IPT/IPTLD está funcionando después del 7º día comparando sus síntomas clínicos iniciales, algunos mejorarán y si es así continuaré tratándolo. Si no hay resultado: No hay necesidad de perder dinero y tiempo conmigo.
¿Hay ALGÚN costo adicional al precio cotizado?
Mis honorarios y costos son por los servicios detallados en la comunicación inicial sobre sus gastos. Sin sorpresas de la nada. Los extras en la mayoría de los casos son algunas pruebas de imagen como un PET Scan y cuando se requiere una prueba, se le notificará, así como el costo a pagar directamente al proveedor.
¿Qué tipo de dieta proporciona a los pacientes?
Le daré una guía para seguir cuando esté en casa y cuando esté bajo mi cuidado tendrá la opción de seleccionar la comida específica para el día en particular. Comer con apetito y comer lo que desee ayuda a su cuerpo a desarrollar su sistema inmunológico.
¿Hay un médico de guardia las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana?
Si hay una emergencia: Si y soy yo.
¿Aborda el bienestar emocional del paciente? En caso afirmativo, ¿cómo?
El apoyo emocional se brinda al hablar con usted todas las mañanas para saber cómo le va. También puedo solicitar la presencia de una Psicóloga para hablar contigo y ella fijará el tiempo y costo de su servicio directamente contigo.
Dr. Donato Perez Garcia
Médico Cirujano
Egresado de la Universidad Anáhuac Norte, México
Telefono: +52 (664) 616 4878
#iptld #LegacyIPT #integrativemedicine #naturalmedicine #functionalmedicine #alternativecancercare #cancersurvivor #cancer #breastcancer #cancersupport #lowdosechemotheraphy #metronomiclowdosechemotheraphy #health #cancerresearch #cancertreatment #cancercare #integrativeoncology #beatcancer #cancersurvivors #chronicdegenerativediseases
The information presented in this website represents only the opinion of Donato Perez Garcia, M.D. The opinions expressed on this site can be verified, which means that the information and physical location of the Office is real.
In this website I publish:
1. Reproduce notes or informative videos on health topics, selected from reliable sources and giving credit to the original source.
2. Videos or sponsored notes on health topics and favorable results of medical treatment. These are reviewed, it’s content, origin and source are verified. They are published to guide and inform people who have a chronic health problem and want a second opinion. No false promises are made. It is offered to interested patients a pre review of their clinical case before wasting time and money, this at no cost These promotional notes before being published, are reviewed by the service provider to avoid fraud or spreading lies and are only approved if they comply with the current regulations. All comments are written by a group of Editors helping me, who follow the above policies and before being published, they are reviewed by the responsible account holder, Dr. Donato Perez Garcia, a licensed physician with more than 40 years of experience in medicine, complementary and alternative treatments.
Thank you for expressing your opinion and as I have explained to you how the editing work is done in my Social Media Accounts, I hope that the comments made by people like you also reflect an opinion based on facts. This is important because you have to take care of yourself and not downplay the changes that the body gives, from the beginning. In addition, ignoring them and making incomplete decisions without having consulted a doctor's opinion may not be favorable in the short or long term.
I thank you for the time you spent reading my website as well as visiting my Social Media Accounts (viewing the video and writing your opinion) it helps us to continue being honest, publishing real and truthful information.
Dr. Donato Perez Garcia
Médico Cirujano
Egresado de la Universidad Anáhuac Norte, México
Telefono: +52 (664) 616 4878