"Everyone should have the right to choose the medical treatments they receive, especially if they’re proven to be clinically effective and less harmful."
Dr. Donato Perez, has been in practice as Medical Doctor since 1983. He is Certified in Regenerative Medicine and an expert on the technique IPT/IPTLD. He has published five papers in peer reviewed medical literature. My practice as a Regenerative Medicine Specialist and General Practitioner includes treating several diseases, like Gastritis, Esophagitis, Fatty Liver, some nutritional and mineral deficiencies, arthritis, bronchitis, pneumonia, infections, prostate enlargement and some solid tumors from organs like uterus, ovary, prostate, colon, breast, lung. For those chronic degenerative diseases listed above I can use different treatment protocols from Functional Medicine, Biologic Medicine, IV-Homeopathy.
For some solid tumors I am an experienced practitioner, since 1983, on the technique using Insulin Potentiation Therapy IPT© or IPTLD®, as a metabolic supported protocol including low dose chemotherapy. This technique involves fasting, insulin and chemotherapy in combination with a variety of drugs with anti-cancer activity.
This integrative therapy is very effective against the diseases Im treating and has a high response rate.
It is tolerated very well and improves life quality and the prognosis for life expectancy significantly.
TREATING THE TUMOR (Surgery, Ablation, Intra tumoral injections, Radiation) IS JUST SYMPTOMATIC TREATMENT
Dr. Donato is a practical doctor, so he will be at your bedside during the administration of your IPT protocol and any complementary therapies that are indicated to comprehensively address your health problem. Dr. Donato has been one of the pioneers in Complementary or Alternative Medicine. There is no one in the medical world who has more experience in the procedure of using insulin to potentiate medications (Insulin Potentiation Therapy or IPT), since the year of 1983 he is the expert and he has trained several health practitioners from around the world. My grand father started to use insulin in the year of 1930, then my father joined in 1955, they are Pioneers in Alternative Medicine and the world experts on IPT/IPTLD.
Forget about dialing [1] to talk to the doctor, he will be available almost at all times. With IPT you will be treated for the best possible outcome and Dr. Donato addresses the problem of cancer as a systemic disease, not just treating the tumor (symptom) and leaving your body sick.
Dr. Donato will do everything possible to get you started on treatment as soon as possible. Here you have a weekly program with all the therapies administered (Monday-Saturday) and depending on your particular case I will select the therapies that will benefit you the most.
1)Day ONE: General DETOX:
*Targeted low-dose chemotherapy with insulin augmentation.
• Metabolic Therapy (Liver and bile duct discharge)
IV Therapy w/Cocarboxylase 4%
• Mixed Bioregulation for detoxification and drainage. (5 vials)
IV Therapy w/Cocarboxylase 4%
• Myers IV Tx (Vit C + Magnesium + B Complex) Antioxidant + Peroxide IV
• Digestive Mucous Tx.
• Intestinal Bioregulation (5 vials)
*HEEL anticancer protocol (9 vials)
IV Therapy w/Cocarboxylase 4%
*Targeted low-dose chemotherapy with insulin augmentation.
• IV immunological tx with IV essential amino acids
• General Anti-inflammatory Tx with Vit C, Magnesium, MSM and B Complex. + Cyanocobalamin - B6 IM.
• Mixed Immunological + Anti-inflammatory Cocktail (5 vials)
IV Therapy w/Cocarboxylase 4%
Metabolic therapy (liver and bile duct flushing)
• HEEL IV Mixed Bioregulation.
* Cellular respiration Hepatic and renal drainage (5 vials)
IV Therapy w/Cocarboxylase 4%
*Targeted low-dose chemotherapy with insulin augmentation.
• Revitalization Tx Gral IV
• Complete Orthomolecular IV Tx (Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids and Coenzymes)
• Bioregulation for functional revitalization and structural strengthening (5 Ampoules)
IV Therapy w/Cocarboxylase 4%
• IV immunological tx with IV essential amino acids
• General Anti-inflammatory Tx with Vit C, Magnesium, MSM and B Complex. + Cyanocobalamin - B6 IM.
• Mixed Immunological + Anti-inflammatory Cocktail (5 vials)
Mexico City. December 9, 2023. The 14th Annual Conference of the Mexican College of Cellular Therapy and Regenerative Medicine took place.
In this framework of Education and learning of medical procedures and treatments that are changing the way many diseases are treated medically, several doctors presented their research work. The Conference concluded with the delivery of Recognitions to several Doctors who have stood out in some area of Regenerative Medicine. Among the doctors recognized with the RECELL 2023 Award, Dr. Donato Perez Garcia was present for his medical treatment technique in which insulin is used to improve (enhance) the intracellular effect of medications and thus promote the recovery of health in diseases. chronic degenerative diseases and some cancerous tumors. It is important to be recognized in your country and by doctors who are an example and contribute to developing treatment standards that are solving many diseases because they are treatments that attack the cause and not the symptom. Forty years of experience of Dr. Donato Perez Garcia were rewarded.
Dr.Donato Perez Garcia
BLOG (Espanol)
Last December 9, during the 14th Annual Conference of the Mexican College of Cellular Therapy and Regenerative Medicine, the preliminary results of a basic clinical research project carried out by doctors Dr. Donato Pérez García and Dr. Alejandra Calderón, Hematologist who was in charge of carrying out all the measurements in the blood sample of each of the ten patients who participated in this study. The results are very good and add evidence of how the effect of insulin is important to enhance and generate changes at the genetic level in the cell, in addition to the fact that since it is a natural hormone in our body, the entire treatment technique uses normal mechanisms. or physiological, of the organism.
This point is important because the natural mechanisms of cellular functioning are used with a substance that the body uses daily and does not require the creation and use of synthetic stimulators that would not be completely tolerated by the cell. The anecdotal evidence of more than 90 years of the use of this technique in medical therapy already has another positive result.
Below is a summary of this research study. Below is a summary of this research study.
Evaluation of the expression of the tumor suppressor protein p53 in cancer patients receiving IPT therapy
In 1931, the German researcher Otto Warburg observed that cancer cells metabolized glucose differently, because their mitochondria were altered, thus directing the metabolism towards glycolysis, for this discovery he received the Nobel Prize.
Increase in TNF, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 (pro-inflammatory cytokines).
Production of ROS and lipid peroxidation (favors the control of oxidative stress).
Theories all based on cellular metabolism and not related to alterations at the genetic level.
p53 at rest its expression is decreased, and it increases in the presence of cellular stress.
The prevalence of p53 mutations varies significantly by cancer type and also depends on the stage of tumor development, with prevalence’s ranging from less than 5% in cervical cancer and 10% in leukemia to 80% in non-small cell lung cancer and 90% in ovarian cancer.
C-myc. It is located in cr.8, under normal conditions they are regulated.
Amplification of the c-Myc gene is very common in breast, lung, ovarian, prostate cancer, leukemias and lymphomas; while loss of regulation is more common in colon cancer, gynecological tumors and melanoma.
Objective: Demonstrate how p53 is expressed when the tumor cell is subjected to hypoglycemia as a mechanism of cellular stress.
Methodology: 10 patients who attended IPT therapy with Dr. Donato were included.
After obtaining informed consent, in a hospital environment and with hemodynamic monitoring.
Hypoglycemia turns out to be a stimulus for the expression or suppression of genes that participate in the cell cycle.
It was observed how tumor cells, regardless of the tissue in which they develop, present a decrease in tumor suppressor genes and an increase in oncogenes.
More studies are needed to corroborate whether the longer the duration of hypoglycemia, the expression of p53 is favored and a decrease in the percentage of tumor cells that express c-myc is observed.
Confirm if the level of hypoglycemia has a direct relationship with the percentage of cells that express tumor suppressor genes.
With these findings it can be suggested that IPT therapy has an epigenetic basis that influences genetic expression or suppression at the cellular level.
Ciudad de México. Diciembre 9, 2023. Tuvo lugar la 14va Conferencia Anual del Colegio Mexicano de Terapia Celular y Medicina Regenerativa.
En este marco de Educación y aprendizaje de los procedimientos y tratamientos medicos que están cambiando la forma de atender médicamente muchas enfermedades se presentaron varios medicos exponiendo sus trabajo de investigación. La Conferencia concluyó con la entrega de los Reconocimientos a varios Medicos que se han destacado en alguna area de la Medicina Regenerativa. Entre los medicos reconocidos con el Premio RECELL 2023 estuvo presente el Dr. Donato Perez Garcia por su técnica de tratamiento medico en el que se usa insulina para mejorar (potenciar) el efecto intracelular de los medicamentos y así favorecer la recuperación de la salud en enfermedades crónicos degenerativas y algunos tumores cancerosos. Importante el ser reconocido en tu Pais y por medicos que son un ejemplo y contribuyen a desarrollar los estándares de tratamientos que están resolviendo muchas enfermedades porque son tratamientos que atacan la causa y no el síntoma. Cuarenta anos de experiencia del Dr. Donato Perez Garcia se vieron premiados.
Dr.Donato Perez Garcia
BLOG (Espanol)
Evaluación de la expresión de la proteína supresora de tumor p53 en pacientes oncológicos que reciben terapia IPT
El pasado sábado 9 de diciembre durante la 14va Conferencia Anual del Colegio Mexicano de Terapia Celular y Medicina Regenerativa se presentaron los resultados pre eliminares de un proyecto de investigación clínica básica realizado por los médicos Dr. Donato Pérez García y Dra. Alejandra Calderón, Hematóloga quien fue la encargada de realizar todas las mediciones en la muestra de sangre de cada uno de los diez pacientes que participaron en este estudio. Los resultados son muy buenos y suman evidencia de como el efecto de la insulina es importante para potenciar y generar cambios a nivel genéticos en la célula, además de que como es una hormona natural en nuestro cuerpo, toda la técnica de tratamiento usa los mecanismos normales o fisiológico, del organismo.
Este punto es importante porque se usan los mecanismos naturales del funcionamiento celular con una sustancia que el cuerpo usa a diario y no requiere de crear y usar de estimuladores sintéticos que no serían tolerados completamente por la célula. La evidencia anecdótica de más de 90 años del uso de esta técnica en terapéutica medica ya tiene otro resultado positivo.
A continuación, un resumen de este estudio de investigación.
Evaluación de la expresión de la proteína supresora de tumor p53 en pacientes oncológicos que reciben terapia IPT
En 1931 el Investigador Aleman Otto Warburg observo que las células cancerígenas metabolizaban la glucosa de manera diferente, por que sus mitocondrias estaban alteradas, dirigiendo asi el metabolismo hacia la glicólisis, por este hallazgo recibe el Premio Nobel.
Incremento de TNF, IL-1β, IL-6 e IL-8 (citocinas proinflamatorias).
Producción de ROS y peroxidación lipidica (favorece el control del stress oxidativo).
Teorías todas basadas en el metabolismo celular y no relacionados con las alteraciones a nivel genético.
p53 en reposo su expresión esta disminuida, y se incrementa en presencia de stress celular.
La prevalencia de las mutaciones en p53 varía significativamente según el tipo de cáncer y también depende de la etapa de desarrollo del tumor, con prevalencias que van desde menos del 5% en cáncer de cuello uterino y el 10% en leucemia hasta un 80% en cáncer de pulmón no microcítico y 90% en cáncer de ovario.
C-myc. Se localiza en cr.8, en condiciones normales están regulado. La amplificación del gen c-Myc es muy frecuente en el cáncer de mama, pulmón, ovario, próstata, leucemias y linfomas; mientras que la pérdida de la regulación es más común en el cáncer de colon, tumores ginecológicos y melanoma.
Objetivo: Demostrar como se expresa p53 cuando la célula tumoral es sometida a hipoglucemia como mecanismo de estrés celular
Metodología: Se incluyeron 10 pacientes que acudieron a terapia de IPT con el Dr. Donato. Previa obtención del consentimiento informado, en medio hospitalario y con monitoreo hemodinámico.
La hipoglucemia resulta ser un estimulo para la expression o supresion de genes que participan en el ciclo celular.
Se pudo observar como las células tumorales, independientemente del tejido en que se desarrollen, presentan disminución de genes supresores de tumor e incremento de oncogenes.
Faltarían mas estudios para corroborar si a mayor tiempo de hipoglucemia, se favorece la expression de p53 y se observa disminución en el porcentaje de las células tumorales que expresan c-myc.
Confirmar si el nivel de hipoglucemia tiene relación directa con el porcentaje de células que expresan genes supresores de tumor.
Con estos hallazgos se puede sugerir que la terapia con IPT tiene fundamento epigenético que influencia la expresión o supresión genética a nivel celular.
It is a bio regenerative medicine procedure that uses a dose of fast-acting insulin as a biological response modifier to induce cell permeability in a controlled manner and thus facilitate the exchange between extra and intracellular fluids. This allows drugs to enter the cell interior, going to the specific site to generate a chemical and physical change that contributes to repair cell function in most cases.
Disease only occurs within the cell. A cell is the basic unit of the body. When one or more of the cellular components do not perform their physicochemical function, alterations are generated that give manifestations and that is a disease. Many chronic degenerative diseases like Respiratory diseases, Gastric diseases, Gastritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Osteoporosis, Sarcoma, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, ME, Chronic infections, Prostatitis, Colitis, as well as cancer, to treat them medically, it is necessary to enter the interior of the cell to carry out the physicochemical corrections that reverse the alterations of one or several cellular organelles and thus restore the state of health. For the treatment of many diseases, it is necessary to use a holistic program that includes nutrition and some complementary therapies to restore cell function or sometimes to prepare the body to receive stem cells.
"Count your successes by the organs you have preserved, never by those you have mutilated" Hippocrates. Insulin Potentiation therapy (IPT/IPTLD) a bioregenerative medical procedure medicina integral y salud comunitaria IPT/IPTLD Alternative Medicine
Publications and Essays on IPT, also Supportive Studies – Published clinical and in-vitro studies that support the use of insulin as a biologic response modifier.
off-label use of the drug
1)Poster Presentation at the Third Annual Comprehensive Cancer Management Conference, Washington, DC June 2000
Primary Breast Conserving Treatment for Breast Cancer Using Biologic Response Modification with Insulin in Combination with Non-Toxic Low-Dose Chemotherapy. Steven G. Ayre, M.D.
2)Insulin Shows Promise
Oncology News, 1991, 17(4):1,7
3) Ayre SG, Perez Garcia y Bellon D, Perez Garcia Jr D. Neoadjuvant low-dose chemotherapy with insulin in breast carcinomas. Eur J Cancer. 26:1261-2, 1990
4) Ayre SG, Perez Garcia Y Bellon D, Perez Garcia Jr D. Insulin potentiation therapy: a new concept in the management of chronic degenerative disease. Medical Hypotheses 20:199-210, 1986
5) Lippman ME, Dickson RB, Kasid A, et al. Autocrine and paracrine growth regulation of human breast cancer. J Steroid Biochem 24:147-154, 1986
6) Hilf R. The actions of insulin as a hormonal factor in breast cancer. In: Pike MC, Siiteri PK, Welsch CW, eds. Hormones and Breast Cancer, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1981, 317-337.
7) Cullen JK, Yee D, Sly WS, et al. Insulin-like growth factor receptor expression and function in human breast cancer. Cancer Res 50:48-53, 1990
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12) Nakanishi Y, Mulshine JL, Kasprzyk PG, et al. Insulin-like growth factor-1 can mediate autocrine proliferation of human small cell lung cancer cell lines in vitro. J Clin Invest 82:354-359, 1988
13) Lee PDK, Rosenfeld RG, Hintz RL, Smith SD. Characterization of insulin, insulin-like growth factors I and II, and growth hormone receptors on human leukemic lymphoblasts. J Clin Endocr Metab 62:28-35, 1986
14) Colman PG, Harrison LC. Structure of insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 receptors on the insulinoma cell, RIN-m5F. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 124:657-662, 1984
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16) Papa V, Constance CR, Brunetti A, et al. Progestins increase insulin receptor content and insulin stimulation of growth in human breast carcinomas. Cancer Res 50:7857-7862, 1990
17) Stewart AJ, Johnson MD, May REB, Westley RB. Role of insulin-like growth factors and the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor in the estrogen-stimulated proliferation of human breast cancer cells. J Biol Chem 265:21172-21178, 1990
18) Eppenberger U. New aspects in the molecular growth regulation of mammary tumors. In: Eppenberger U, Goldhirsch A, eds. Recent Results in Cancer Research, Vol. 113: Endocrine Therapy and Growth Regulation of Breast Cancer. Berlin-Heidelberg, 1989, 1-3
19) DeLeon DD, Bakker B, WIlson RL, et al. Demonstration of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I and IGF-II) receptors and binding protein in human breast cancer cell lines. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 152:398-405, 1988
20) Karey KP, Sirbasku DA. Differential responsiveness of human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and T47D to growth factors and 17B-estradiol. Cancer Res 48:4083-4092, 1988
21) King GL, Kahn CR, Rechler MM, Nissley SP. Direct demonstration for separate receptors for growth and metabolic activities of insulin and multiplication-stimulating activity (an insulin-like growth factor) using antibodies to the insulin receptor. J Clin Invest 66:130-140, 1980
22) Jacobs S, Cook S, Svoboda M, Van Wyk JJ. Interaction of the monoclonal antibodies alpha-IR-1 and alpha-IR3 with insulin and somatomedin-C receptors. Endocrinol 118:223-226, 1986
23) Goustin AS, Leof EB, Shipley GD, Moses HL. Growth factors and cancer. Cancer Res 46:1015-1029, 1986
24) Unterburger P, Sinop A, Noder w, et al. Diabetes mellitus and breast cancer: a retrospective follow-up study. Onkologie 13:17-20, 1990
25) Yee D, Palk S, Lebovic GS, et al. Analysis of insulin-like growth-factor I gene expression: evidence for a paracrine role in human breast cancer. Mol Endocrinol 3:509-517, 1990
26) Hilf R. Primary and permissive actions of insulin in breast cancer. In: Leung BS, ed. Hormonal regulation of mammary tumors. Montreal, Eden Press, 1982, Vol. 2, 123-137
27) Alabaster O, Vonderhaar BK, Shafie SM. Metabolic modification by insulin enhances methotrexate cytotoxicity in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 17:1223-1228, 1981
28) Oster JB, Creasey WA. Enhancement of cellular uptake of ellipticine by insulin preincubation. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 17:1097-1103, 1981
29) Schilsky RL, Bailey BD, Chabner BA. Characteristics of membrane transport of methotrexate by cultured human breast cancer cells. Biochem Pharmacol 30:1537-1542, 1981
30) Shinitzky M, Henkart P. Fluidity of cell membranes – current concepts and trends. Int Rev Cytol 60:121-147, 1971
31) Jeffcoat R. The biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids and its control in mammalian liver. Essays Biochem 15:1-36, 1979
32) Gasparro FP, Knobler RM, Yemul SS, Bisaccia E, Edelson RL. Receptor mediated photo-cytotoxicity: synthesis of a photoactivatable psoralen derivative conjugated to insulin. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 141:502-209, 1986
33) Poznansky MJ, Singh R, Singh B. Insulin: carrier potential for enzyme and drug therapy. Science 223:1304-1306, 1984
34) Ayre SG. New approaches to the delivery of drugs to the brain. Med Hypotheses 29:283-291, 1989
35) Gross GE, Boldt DH, Osborne CK. Perturbation by insulin of human breast cancer cell kinetics. Cancer Res 44:3570-3575, 1984
36) Paridaens R, Klijn JGM, Julien JP, et al. Chemotherapy with estrogenic recruitment in breast cancer: experimental background and clinical studies conducted by the EORTC breast cancer cooperative group. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 22:728, 1986
37) Van der Burg B, de Laat SW, van Zoelen EJJ. Mitogenic stimulation of human breast cancer cells in a growth-factor defined medium: synergistic action of insulin and estrogens. In: Brescani F, King RGB, Lippman ME, Raynaud JP, eds. Progress in Cancer Research and Therapy, vol. 35: Hormones and Cancer 3. New York, Raven Press, Ltd. 1988, 231-233.
38) Goldfine ID, Purello F, Vigneri R, and Clawson GA. Direct regulation of nuclear functions by insulin: relationship to mRNA metabolism. In: Czech MP, ed. Molecular Basic of Insulin Action. New York, Plenum Press, 1985, 329-345.
39)Blood Brain Barrier Passage of Azidothyumidine in Rats: Effects of Insulin
Steven G. Ayre (1), Brian Skaletski (2) and Aron D. Mosnaim( 2).
Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology JANUARY 1989 VOL.63, NO. 1. Departments of Family Medicine and Pharmacology and Molecular Biology , University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School, North Chicago, IL 60064.
40)New Approaches to Delivery of Drugs to the Brain. S.G. Ayre. Medical Hypotheses 29:283-291, 1989
41)Insulin, chemotherapy, and the mechanisms of malignancy: the design and the demise of cancer. S.G. Ayre, M.D., D. P. Garcia Bellon, M.D., D. P. Garcia, Jr., M.D. Medical hypotheses 55.4 (2000): 330-334.
42)Low dose chemotherapy in combination with insulin for the treatment of metastatic tumors: C. Damyanov, M. Radoslavova, V. Gavrilov, D. Stoeva. Medical Center of Integrative Medicine, Sofia, Bulgaria. Journal of BUON 14: 711-15, 2009.
43)Insulin Potentiation Therapy in the treatment of malignant neoplastic diseases: a three year study. Damyanov C, Gherasimova DM, Avramov LA, Masley IK (2012). J Cancer Sci Ther 4: 088-091. doi:10.4172/1948-5956.1000117
44)Low-Dose Chemotherapy with insulin (Insulin Potentiation Therapy) in combination with hormone therapy for treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer. Damyanov, Christo, et al. ISRN urology 2012 (2012).
45)Metabolic Modification by Insulin Enhances Methotrexate Cytotoxicity in MCF-7 Human Breast Cells. Alabaster, O. Vonderhaar, B. and Shafie, S. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol. Vol 17, No. 11, pp 1223-1228. 1961.
46)Insulin treatment in cancer cachexia: effects on survival, metabolism, and physical functioning. Lundholm K, Körner U, Gunnebo L, Sixt-Ammilon P, Fouladiun M, Daneryd P, Bosaeus I. Clin Cancer Res. 2007 May 1;13(9):2699 706.
47)Long-Term Effect of Diabetes and Its Treatment on Cognitive Function. Jacobson, Alan, et.al. N Engl J Med 2007; 356:1842-52.
48)Preclinical safety and antitumor efficacy of insulin combined with irradiation. Bénédicte F. Jordan, Nelson Beghein, Nathalie Crokart, Christine Baudelet, Vincent Gregoire, Bernard Gallez. Radiotherapy and Oncology 81 (2006) 112–117.
49)Insulin-induced enhancement of antitumoral response to methotrexate in breast cancer patients. Lasalvio-Prisco, Eduardo, et.al. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol (2004) 53: 220–224.
50)The effect of insulin on chemotherapeutic drug sensitivity in human esophageal and lung cancer cells. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2003 Feb 10;83(3):195-7.
51)Pretreatment with insulin enhances anticancer functions of 5-fluorouracil in human esophageal and colonic cancer cells. Zou K, Ju JH, Xie H. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2007 May; 28(5):721-30.
52)A pilot study of Auron Misheil Therapy (AMT) in patients with advanced cervical cancer: tumor response and its correlation with clinical benefit response, and preliminary quality of life data.” Scheele, Jürgen, et al. Oncology reports 22.4 (2009): 877-883.
53)Insulin in endometrial carcinoma chemotherapy: A beneficial addition and not a problem. Sha, Huilan, et al. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology [Medical Sciences] 30 (2010): 631-637.
54) Insulin for Everything. TIME magazine April 10, 1944
55)Long-Term Outcomes of the Treatment of Unresectable (Stage III - IV)Ductal Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Using Metabolically Supported Chemotherapy (MSCT): A Retrospective Study
Mehmet Salih Iyikesici1, Ayshe Slocum2*, Engin Turkmen3, Ovunc Akdemir4, Abdul Kadir Slocum5, Turgut Ipek6, Erhun Eyuboglu6, Ferhan Bulent Berkarda7
56)Efficacy of Metabolically Supported Chemotherapy Combined with Ketogenic Diet, Hyperthermia, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Stage IV Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Mehmet Salih İyikesici, Abdul Kadir Slocum, Ayshe Slocum, Ferhan Bulent Berkarda, Miriam Kalamian, andThomas N Seyfried. Cureus. 2017 Jul; 9(7): e1445.Published online 2017 Jul 7. doi: 10.7759/cureus.1445. PMCID: PMC5589510. Monitoring Editor: Alexander Muacevic and John R Adler
57)Integrative Oncology at the Clinicist's Look. Chronology for the Creation and Development of the IPT & BMP Method for Treatment of Oncological Diseases. It is uploaded on the following link: http://www.clinicsinoncology.com/pdfs_folder/cio-v4-id1671.pdf .
58)The Impact of Insulin on Low-dose Metronomic Vinorelbine and Mafosfamide in Breast Cancer Cells
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59)Hyperglycemia Associated Metabolic and Molecular Alterations in Cancer Risk, Progression, Treatment, and Mortality
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60)Insulin enhancement of the antitumor activity of chemotherapeutic agents in colorectal cancer is linked with downregulating PIK3CA and GRB2
Published Nov 11, 2019 · Siddarth Agrawal, M. Woźniak, M. Łuc+8 more. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-53145-x
61)Palliative treatment efficacy of glucose inhibition combined with chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer with widespread bone and brain metastases: A case report.
Published Nov 30, 2017 · Yongping Liu, Ya-ping Zhang, X. Mao+5 more. https://www.spandidos-publications.com/10.3892/br.2017.1008/download
62)Targeting metabolism with a ketogenic diet during the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme
Published Jan 18, 2014 · C. Champ, J. Palmer, J. Volek+6 more. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11060-014-1362-0
Dr. Donato Perez, has been in practice as Medical Doctor since 1983. He is an expert on IPT/IPTLD and has published five papers in peer reviewed medical literature. The Discoverer of Insulin Potentiation Therapy was the late Donato Perez Garcia, MD (1896-1971). Fifty five years after his death, I am proud to represent the legacy of my grandfather and my father after him, since becoming licensed as a physician in 1983. I have trained on insulin potentiation therapy, several, interested health practitioners from around the earth. This legacy is a unique one, with father passing along to son the gifts, wisdom, and knowledge gained only through many years of invention, triumphs, and struggle in the practice of medicine.
My practice as a General Practitioner includes treating several diseases, like Gastritis, Esophagitis, Fatty Liver, some nutritional and mineral deficiencies, arthritis, bronchitis, pneumonia, infections, prostate enlargement and some solid tumors from organs like uterus, ovary, prostate, colon, breast, lung. For those chronic degenerative diseases listed above I can use different treatment protocols from Functional Medicine, Biologic Medicine, IV-Homeopathy.
For some solid tumors I am an expert (since 1983) on the protocol using Insulin Potentiation Therapy IPT© or IPTLD®, - It is a bio regenerative medicine procedure that uses a dose of fast-acting insulin as a biological response modifier to induce cell permeability in a controlled manner and thus facilitate the exchange between extra and intracellular fluids. Because it is it is a metabolic supported chemotherapy, allows drugs to enter the cell interior, going to the specific site to generate a chemical and physical change that contributes to repair cell function in most cases.
Disease only occurs within the cell. A cell is the basic unit of the body. When one or more of the cellular components do not perform their physicochemical function, alterations are generated that give manifestations and that is a disease. Many chronic degenerative diseases as well as cancer, to treat them medically, it is necessary to enter the interior of the cell to carry out the physicochemical corrections that reverse the alterations of one or several cellular organelles and thus restore the state of health. For the treatment of many diseases, it is necessary to use a holistic program that includes nutrition and some complementary therapies to restore cell function or sometimes to prepare the body to receive stem cells. This integrative therapy is very effective against the diseases I’m treating and has a high response rate. It is tolerated very well and improves life quality and the prognosis for life expectancy significantly.
About my grandfather, the discoverer of insulin potentiation therapy.
Here is the story of a pioneer, who in his eagerness to feel better made a discovery in 1926 that now in the year 2022 of this 21st century, what he proposed and described as his method of treatment is taking shape and strength.
Advances in medicine, as in many other areas, continue to amaze us.
He pioneered not by discovering insulin or describing the phenomenon of cell permeability, the fact was that he understood that insulin promoted the diffusion of drugs into the cell by its effect at the cell membrane level. Pioneer because despite the criticism and disqualifications, he did not stop and continued to treat him. Pioneer because he was convinced that what he did gave results, his patients and many improved or were cured. Pioneering something is not easy. In 1930 he became the pioneer in the use of insulin to favor the permeabilization of the cell membrane, which allows the diffusion of the drug into the cytoplasm. These observations made the physician Donato Pérez García (1896-1970) a pioneer.
Day by day, researchers are discovering, in the case of medicine, many substances that will have a preventive or curative effect on many diseases. Not to mention the advances in diagnosis with new equipment that is making discoveries in the human body and that help to visualize the state of health of the human being.
However, despite everything we currently have, there is a small problem to solve in this year 2022 of the 21st century. How to make chemical substances [can pass from the extracellular fluid to the cytoplasm or intracellular fluid in order to reach the place where it is? the disorder and cause of the disease.
We still attach great importance to symptomatic treatment, and many physicians only think within this closed system. If in the case of a malignant tumor, cancer, I only focus on treating the tumor, I am giving a symptomatic treatment, but I am not there or I do not know how to solve the cause. These procedures invaded in the case of cancer, surgery, radiotherapy, cryoablation with immunotherapy will only help to treat the symptom that in many cases results in a solution to the problem but in the vast majority after a time that varies for each patient it appears. the recurrence.
So with this description of the facts, well, what Dr. Donato Pérez García (1896-1971) did my grandfather. His discovery was to use the hormone insulin to promote the entry of chemical substances into the cell. This was done for the first time in a patient in the year 1930. The decision was made to use this way of administering insulin to be able to manipulate the permeabilizing effect of the cell membrane in a controlled manner. Si did an experiment in 1937 with the help of the Rector of the Faculty of Chemistry of the UNAM Rafael Illescas Frisbie and they published it in the Military magazine of 1937 in which they confirmed that insulin allowed the diffusion of chemical substances from the extracellular fluid to the intracellular or cytoplasm. Another of his achievements was in 1947 presenting a paper at the Medical Congress describing how he could treat gastric and duodenal ulcers medically, using bismuth and sulfa, which were medications available at that time and which healed the ulcer. The doctors of that Congress laughed and did not believe him. It was not until 1981 that they discovered the cause of the ulcer, a bacterium, and that the treatment was modified and they began to use a protector of the gastric mucosa and an antibiotic. If Donato was a pioneer in this condition. He has also done so in cancer treatment since 1946, long before Medical Oncology was established as a specialty area. I have documents of all this, as well as several articles published in the medical literature that talk about the non-diabetic uses of insulin and the effect of potentiating drugs inside the cell.
So, Donato, my grandfather was a great pioneer. My father, also a doctor, managed to continue the work of caring for patients and many were relieved, from different regions of Mexico and other countries. It is not presumption; it is a fact.
In this 2022, I understand the value of the name and what my grandfather and father said about the treatment. The use of insulin prior to the administration of the drugs that are going to treat the disease will generate a biophysical and chemical change. Cells, the fundamental unit of our body and so far, we still do not have a real photograph, only reproductions that are giving an idea of what the cell is like inside, they work and keep our body alive because they communicate with chemical substances in harmony with the changes physical that the minerals and the other substances that are within us require to maintain the balance. Removing, irradiating, or infecting a tumor is certainly a procedure that can solve the problem, but it is nothing more. You will attend to the symptom. There are many very good pioneers in medicine. But until today DONATO PEREZ GARCÍA, a doctor, is the only one who has achieved the diffusion of chemical substances into the interior of the diseased cell with the help of insulin in a safe and controlled procedure.
For me, his grandson, it is a satisfaction to know and understand the find and how he visualized his treatment. I imagine how he saw that his therapy was at the cellular level, making chemical and physical changes. Despite the opinions of many doctors that insulin is a risk, it is not, thanks to insulin the fetus survives, the body requires insulin, without insulin there is no life. It's just a matter of understanding and learning how to use it. Insulin is a key that allows the cell membrane to be modified, opens the door, allowing medicines to enter to resolve the disease and thus treat the cause.
There is still a long way to go to understand and surely modify the way in which medications and even insulin can be optimized to achieve the cure of many disease
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